UncoverU is a communication and personal development training company that empowers adults, pre-teens, and teens to discover their power and potential to imagine and create a world that works for all. UncoverU aims to achieve this by equipping people to master communication, self-expression, and leadership in the three pillars of success and happiness – Self, Family, and Community.
Our programs support people in uncovering their authenticity and power to imagine and make real a world of responsibility, equality, and compassion through transformative, powerful communication.
The only time one is not communicating is before one comes into being. We start to communicate from the moment we are conceived and continue to do so forever. Communication helps us define our goals, and enables their achievement through enrollment of family and community in investing and contributing towards a shared vision.
All relationships are versions of the relationships we share with our parents and within the family. Strengthening these relationships, and creating space for open, honest and authentic communication with family sets us up for triumph over challenges life throws at us. It also redefines family dynamics, with each member invested in one another’s success as an individual and as a unit.
Life is an ongoing process if of self-discovery – dependence to independence, child to adult, unsure to assertive – each phase of our life is a time of transformation and transition. Building a relationship during periods of change requires unique skills. Transitions call for these unique skills to build a relationship with the self.
the Larger World
Lasting happiness and satisfaction are experienced when we help others and commit to standing up for and doing what it takes to make a difference for people, groups, communities, society, and the world itself. At the core of this happiness are empathy, compassion, and generosity. At UncoverU, we create spaces for individuals to experience this and see the joy of enabling, helping, and supporting others.
Pre-teens and Teen years are the most exciting and challenging periods of an individual’s life. How the challenges of these years are negotiated dictates the trajectory of success and happiness for a lifetime. At UncoverU we believe communication is the key to successfully navigating these challenges. Attendees will learn to master communicating in the three pillars of success and happiness – with self, family, and community.
Chrysalis 2.0
A transformative workshop for adults (18+) to uncover their most authentic selves. In this workshop, participants will discover what’s holding them back and explore how to overcome resistance in their personal and professional lives, opening a realm of possibility to step into their power and freedom to move through the world with grace and confidence.
Recent Blog Posts
Imagination is a Superpower
If the little voice in your head went, “yes that would be nice, but that is a pipe dream.” This task may seem Herculean, and you may have given up even before you start. I encourage you to consider that our responsibility as adults is to create spaces (home, schools, sports teams, etc.) for our children to be creative in building their world. At the risk of sounding jaded, I believe that the possibility of a brave, responsible and compassionate world will be created by the young among us.
My 10-year-old and Me
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Overcoming Obstacles
To achieve your dream, “you simply must overcome the obstacles that get in your way and be willing to triumph over your fear and take the leap of faith.”